About MacLean’s
Our Beginning
For four generations the Maclean family have baked in Scotland. Our cofounder Campbell Maclean, who was originally involved in a bakery in Stornoway on The Western Isles, moved with his family to Forres in 1978, taking over the then named local bakery, James Thain.
Maclean's Highland Bakery quickly gained a renowned reputation, and it was not long before customers were queuing out of the door to taste the fresh bakes, just out of the oven. Since then, we have opened several successful shops throughout the region and in 2004 due to an ever-increasing customer base moved to a new bigger bakery facility on the outskirts of the town. It was at this time the company rebranded, adding the word Highland to the Company name.

over time
Many things have changed over time, but the business continues to be passionate about using only carefully selected ingredients and a traditional baking process, to ensure each product is full of flavour and tastes delicious.
Most recently, the business extended, opening a dedicated allergen free bakery. Selecting plant-based ingredients and excluding all fourteen main food allergens, the products prove that dietary needs do not need to come with a compromise to quality or taste.

Our modern BRCGS certified bakery, produces product for both national and international markets including Ireland, Demark, America, Canada, China, and Australia. In addition, we also produce product for select private label brands.
Employing just over 100 people in the local area, many of whom have been with us since leaving school, our long-established connection and engagement with our local community continues to be a key strength of our business. Combined with our strong brand heritage, our consistent quality, value, and innovation, builds our recipe, to continue to grow, by supplying world-renowned, award-winning product.

Over 46 years in the baking